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In the case of Bash shells (most used shells)    source

Code Block
    source sumi-virtualenv/bin/activate

Our terminal prompt will now show the folder name in front of out username in the following way:   

Code Block
    [sumi-virtualenv] <g2user@s65

To install the dependencies, now we can run the "pip" command which will install the python libraries in our local virtualenv    pip install

Code Block
    pip install saga-python==0.50.01 paramiko

Once the dependencies have been installed, we can download and configure SUMI. To retrieve the code, clone the code from the repository    git clone

Code Block
    git clone


This will create a local folder named "sumi". To include it in the $PATH environment variable we need to run the software.

For TCSH shell systems (as Gateway)

Code Block


setenv PATH $PATH\:$HOME/sumi/bin

For Bash shells    export

Code Block
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/sumi/bin/

SUMI requires two configuration job files which contain the information of the jobs to be sumitted and the HPC cluster where we are going to submit. For this we need to create the configuration folder and copy the configuration files jobs.conf and servers.conf from sumi/conf/ directory.    mkdir


Code Block
    mkdir $HOME/.sumi


    cp sumi/conf/*.conf $HOME/.sumi


Now, we are ready to run SUMI. Execute the option "-h" to see all the
