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Configuration related tutorial is here -> Click me! <-


Quote of the day:
I love the smell of broken configuration in the morning ...
- Anonymous tutorial lecturer



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In this tutorial

  • installation and configuration of MDSPlus databases


Table of Contents
  • 1. MDSPlus database
  • 2. Accessing MDSPlus database data
    Table of Contents



    Stop here for a moment. Make sure you have followed the configuration setup before proceeding any further!

    Configuration related tutorial is here -> Click me! <-


    Copying database files directly1

    . MDSPlus database

    MDSplus is a set of software tools for data acquisition and storage and a methodology for management of complex scientific data (source).

    In order to benefit from UAL layer, scientific data must be stored in MDSPlus database. Before you will be able to use it, you have to create database's structure. This is fairly simple. All you have to do is to execute following commands:

    source $ITMSCRIPTDIR/ITMv1 kepler test 4.10b > /dev/null
    $ITMSCRIPTDIR/create_user_itm_dir test 4.10b

    At this point, you can check your public directory and browse through the database structure.

    cd $HOME/public/itmdb/itm_trees

    Explanation of the tree structure:

    example: ~owsiak/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test)
    defines the equipment used for acquiring the results; "test" - is most commonly used for artificial, test data
    example: ~owsiak/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus
    contains experimental data for given UAL version
    example: ~/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus/0
    Contains all the shot and runs for given data tree
    example: ~/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus/euitm_120001.
    Contains data for given shot
    euitm_####.datafile, euitm_####.tree, euitm_####.characteristicsContain data for givet shot/run

    2.2. Accessing MDSPlus database data

    From the user's point of view, there are few characteristics that define single data tree:

    ParameterEnvironment variableDescription
    User name$USERDefines the name of the user who owns the data
    Tokamak name$TOKAMAKNAMEDefines the name of the machine that was used during simulation (test - contains testing data)
    UAL database version$DATAVERSIONSpecifies UAL data version
    Run numbernot definedRun number is represented by last four digits in database file euitm_SSSSRRRR.*
    Shot numbernot definedShot number is represented by first digits in database file euitm_SSSSRRRR.*; there is no limit for number of digits used
    ITMv1 script
    All above environment variables are set to default values whenever ITMv1 script is executed
    source $ITMSCRIPTDIR/ITMv1 kepler test 4.10b > /dev/null


    2.2.1 Copying database files directly

    In case you know user name, machine name, shot number and run number, you can import users' database files copying them directly from the users' public directories. Database files are located inside:


    Take a look at the example below. We will copy data from user michalo, machine test, shot: 12 and run: 2

    # change directory in your $HOME
    cd $HOME/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus/0/
    # copy data files (pay attention to *_dot_* at the end of command line!)
    cp ~michalo/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus/0/euitm_120002.* .
    cp ~michalo/public/itmdb/itm_trees/test/4.10b/mdsplus/0/euitm_130003.* .

    We will discuss this later, during tutorial sessions.

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