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ITM actorIMAS actorDescription

Initializes input pulse file, creates run work and provides IDS/CPO description for other actors


    • user - name of the user for input data file (e.g. g2michal)
    • machine - name of the machine for input data file (e.g. test/jet)
    • shot - shot number
    • run - run number
    • runwork - temporary run number (place where output will be stored)


    • error - description of error in case there are problems while accessing input data
    • all IDSes/CPOs requested by user (each IDS/CPO is specified as output port name)
ualcloseUALCloseCloses run work based on description passed via input IDS/CPO.
ualcollectorUALCollectorStores input IDSes/CPOs inside new run. This way, it is possible to copy data into different shot/run rather than inside run work.
ualslicecollectorUALSliceCollectorStore one slice from input IDS/CPO into different run. This way, it is possible to collect intermediate results during workflow execution.

Provides a method for putting data inside IDS/CPO


    • inputIds/inputCpo - cpo we are going to modify
    • inTime - time index at which data are supposed to be updated
    • name of the field is specified as port name
    • new value of the field is passed as value sent to the port


    • outputIds/outputCpo - modified IDS/CPO
    • outTime - actual time index (depend on approximation mode)

Provides similar behavior to ualmux/UALMux, however, this actors has two additional ports:

    • fieldDescription - contains name of the filed that will be modified
    • fieldValue - contains new value of the field

Main difference between ualmux/ualmuxparam actors lays in it's ability to be used in a loop that modify different field inside IDS/CPO.

You can simply provide different field name for different loop's step.

 ualdemux UALDemuxAllows to read data from given IDS/CPO - name of the field is specified as output port.