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The name and description of an attribute are multilingual elements for information purposes (they are visible to the reader). The RDF name of an attribute is a unique name which distinguishes it within the Dublin Core schema and outside of the system. The “Controlled” option makes it possible to protect an attribute against an addition of new values. If it is selected, only users with special permissions (see the Permissions at the Library Level) chapter) will be able to add new values. Ordinary editors will only be able to select attribute values from the dictionary while editing the bibliographic description of the object.

Dodawanie atrybutu

Aby utworzyć nowy atrybut:


W kreatorze nowego atrybutu należy podać nazwę i opis atrybutu dla wszystkich języków. Należy również podać nazwę RDF - unikalny identyfikator atrybutu. Aby utworzyć nowy atrybut należy nacisnąć przycisk Zatwierdź.


Adding an Attribute

In order to create a new attribute:

  1. In the library tree, select either the attribute node to which the subattribute is to be added or, if you want to add an attribute at the highest level, the attributes’ node.
  2. Right-click the chosen attribute and click the “Add attribute” option.
  3. In the new attribute creator, enter the name and description of the attribute, for all languages. You must also enter the RDF name of the attribute (its unique identifier). In order to save the new attribute, click the “Confirm” button.

Kreator nowego atrybutu
Kreator nowego atrybutu

Image Modified


A newly added attribute appears at the very bottom of subattributes – as the last position on the attribute list of the parent attribute.

Removing an Attribute

In order to remove an attribute:

  1. In the library tree, select the attribute node to be removed.
  2. Right-click the attribute and select the “Remove” option. If the attribute is related to values, the system will ask you if you are sure you want to remove it; if it is not, it will be removed without any questions

Usuwanie atrybutu

Aby usunąć atrybut:

  1. W Drzewie Biblioteki należy wybrać węzeł atrybutu który chcemy usunąć.
  2. Kliknąć nań prawym przyciskiem i wybrać Usuń. Jeśli atrybut będzie powiązany z wartościami to system zapyta czy na pewno usunąć, jeśli nie to atrybut zostanie usunięty bez zapytania.