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  • The script engage the function input_get_from_IMAS, which load data to MAT-file from different IDS’s defined in the body of the function via separate functions: 'input_get_core_profiles', 'input_get_equilibrium', 'input_get_gas_injection', ‘input_get_tf’, 'input_get_wall', ‘input_get_pf_active’, ‘input_get_pf_pasive’, ‘input_get_ec_launchers’, ‘input_get_pulse_shedule’, ‘input_get_plasma_initiation’, 'input_get_magnetics' and ‘input_get_em_coupling’. The function returns the 'input' structure, which is to be equivalent (after the script is complete) to the 'input' structure that was initially put to IMAS.

IDS core_profiles


The function load DYON data to core_profiles IDS. The quantities stored in this IDS include  prefill gas pressure with individual time. All data are stored as a single value for given time step.


This function load prefill gas pressure with individual time to input.prefill.time and MAT-file structure.

IDS equilibrium


The function load to the equilibrium IDS the DYON data: major radius of the plasma current, vertical position of the plasma current, minor radius of the plasma current, plasma elongation data, plasma cross sectional area data, plasma volume data, internal inductance data, as well as radial and vertical position of the mesh grid cells. All quantities are time dependent with a genetic time.
