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File name Content
put_to_IMAS.mFunction saving IMAS output data to IMAS
get_from_IMAS.mFunction reading IMAS output data from IMAS
test_put_to_IMAS.mSample script invoking the function put_to_IMAS
test_get_from_IMAS.mSample script that invokes the function get_from_IMAS and compares the recovered data with the initial ones
put_core_profiles.mFunction saving data to the 'core_profiles' IDS
put_core_sources.mFunction saving data to the 'core_sources' IDS
put_equilibrium.mFunction saving data to the 'equilibrium' IDS
put_gas_injection.mFunction saving data to the 'gas_injection' IDS
put_magnetics.mFunction saving data to the 'magnetics' IDS
put_radiation.mFunction saving data to the 'radiation' IDS
put_wall.mFunction saving data to the 'wall' IDS
get_core_profiles.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'core_profiles' IDS
get_core_sources.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'core_sources' IDS
get_equilibrium.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'equilibrium' IDS
get_gas_injection.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'gas_injection' IDS
get_magnetics.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'magnetics' IDS
get_radiation.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'radiation' IDS
get_wall.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'wall' IDS
arrange_ion_densities.mFunction putting the densities of all charge states and the properties of an ion to 'core_profiles'
arrange_neutral_density.mFunction putting the density and the properties of a neutral atom to 'core_profiles'
arrange_radiation.mFunction arranging the radiation power density (together with all atom attributes) for given radiation type and neutral/ion kind
extract_ion_densities.mFunction extracting the densities of all charge states from the 'core_profiles' IDS
find_source.mFunction finding the location of the source with a given data dictionary index in an AoS
find_species.mFunction finding the location of the species with a given label in AoS
compare_core_profiles.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'core_profiles' IDS with the initial content
compare_core_sources.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'core_sources' IDS with the initial content
compare_equilibrium.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'equilibrium' IDS with the initial content
compare_magnetics.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'magnetics' IDS with the initial content
compare_radiation.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'radiation' IDS with the initial content
compare_wall.mFunction comparing the data restored from the 'wall' IDS with the initial content
STEP_10003_N_O_impurities_Cwall_2022_11_12_17_53_27.matExample of MAT-file with DYON results (obtained received from Kim Hyun-Tae)
STEP_10003_v4_600kW_EBWCD_2022_6_20_21_24_29.matExample of MAT-file with DYON results (obtained received from Kim Hyun-Tae)
README.txtBrief user guide
DYON-IMAS_wrappers_user_guide.pdfThis documentation in PDF-format


The script test_get_from_IMAS.m defines the input parameters of the function get_from_IMAS and invokes it. The dummy arguments of this function are as follows:

machinesymbol arrayname of the IMAS database (usually a tokamak name)
shotintshot number
runintrun number

IDS core_profiles

IDS core_sources
