In this part, we present the procedure of running the mechanism for notifying about errors of the dLibra server by email.

It ought to be remembered that the mechanism will not only inform about errors on the server but also about errors which will occur in the Editor/Administrator Applications which use the server.

In order to run the error notification emails sent by the dLibra server, the user should:

  1. Uncomment the line with the name of the file containing the SMTP server configuration in dlibra-server-4.0/conf/server.xml:

  2. Complete the content of the dlibra-server/conf/ file, which contains parameters related to the SMPT server, such as the address of the server or authentication settings for sending error notifications.
  3. Updating the dLibra Server
  4. In file dlibra-server/conf/
    1. witch on the mechanism for sending error notifications:
      • Entry

        log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout, RAll, RError

        należy rozszerzyć do postaci:

        log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout, RAll, RError, RMailError
      • Entry, RConsistencyCheck

        should be extended to the following form:, RConsistencyCheck, RMailError
    2. Set the basic parameters for the notifications to be sent:
      • The sample email address in line:

        should be replaced with the real address to which the notifications are to be sent.

      • In need, the message title can be changed so that it contains error messages:

        log4j.appender.RMailError.Subject=[dlibra-server] Exception occured!
    3. Define the minimum threshold of the sent errors:
      • In the standard configuration, all notifications logged at the WARN level (minor problems), ERROR level (serious problems, which can lead to data loss), and FATAL errors (which make it impossible for the server to continue operation and can lead to data loss) are sent to the administrator. In order to limit the number of notifications sent to the administrator, the user can enter ERROR instead of WARN in line:

  5. Run the dLibra server; on startup, it will load the new settings.
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