DPS description :
DPS usage tutorial :
This tutorial covers the usage of DPS-Rest APIs:
1. An admin should grant the user of the topology the ability to interact with a specific topology by granting this user read and write permissions on the requested topology. In the following command we are granting user: topology_user_test the permission to interact with ic topology.
curl -i -X POST --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'username=topology_user_test' http: //iks-kbase.synat.pcss.pl:9090/dps/topologies/ic_topology/permit |
2. Submit a task to dps. Make sure that the required fields are included in your task or a method not allowed exception will be thrown and the task will not be sent!.
A. For IC topology the required fields are: