In order to be able to read an object edition, a user of the library website must be assigned the permission to view the object, the object must be ascribed to a collection, and an edition of that object must be published. For that purpose:
- On the element list, select the object the edition of which is to be published and visible to the reader.
- In the tab with the general properties of the edition (“Edition”), select the “Published” option.
- In the “Collections” tab, assign the object to appropriate collections (one or more).
- In the tab for assigning permissions (“Permissions”), select the username (or group if you want to assign a permission to a whole user group) to which you want to make the edition available and select the “Access only to published editions” checkbox. In order to save the changes, click the “Confirm” button. An object is only visible to users who have the permission to view it.