In order to create a new planned object, the user should:
- From the element list, select the directory or group object in which the new planned object is to be placed.
- From the context menu, select the “New planned object” function. Alternatively, option
can be selected from the toolbar, or the “New planned object...” item can be selected from the “Management” menu. - The planned object creator has four steps. The first step is the same as the second step of the new object creator. The second step is the same as the third step of the new object creator. The third step is the same as the fourth step of the new object creator. In the last, fourth step of the planned object creator (see the image below), the user can enter: administrative notes for the planned object, the predicted date of publishing (by marking the “Predicted publication date” and clicking the “...” field to select the date), and information about whether the object is to be protected (the “Protected” checkbox).
![dLibra 6 (EN) > [EN] 05. Creating a new planned object > plannedPublication_Wizard_general.png](/download/attachments/8194979/plannedPublication_Wizard_general.png?version=1&modificationDate=1538657882200&api=v2)
Kreator nowego obiektu planowanego
Since version 6.1 of the dLibra system, it has also been possible to register DOIs (for more information about it, see the Configuring DOI and Registering DOIs in the DataCite System supplements.