
When the “Configuration” option is selected from the “Program” menu, the program configuration window will appear (see the image below).

In the configuration window, there are tabs for configuring various aspects of the application. All the tabs are described in the subsequent subchapters. The default values of particular parameters are in the default configuration appendix.

Application Settings

The configuration parameters can be retrieved from the configuration file. In order to change the configuration file of the application, the user should click the “Configuration file...” button and indicate the directory or URL of the configuration file in the opened window. If the directory is indicated, it must contain a file named The configuration file of the application contains advanced configuration parameters of the application. It is a property file, in which keys are separated from values with the equal sign. The file contains the following configuration parameters:


Downloading the Default Configuration from an External Source

Sometimes there is a need for all editors of a digital library to work on a particular set of settings (which is different than the default settings). In such a case, it may be necessary to prepare special attribute views for the editors and to change the attributes used when creating the default name of a publication. The best solution will be to put an appropriate configuration file on the Internet.

The Reader Application (WWW) can be set in such a way that the Editor Application automatically receives an appropriate address and loads the configuration with every start-up, replacing the default options, so that the editors do not have t enter the address of such a file on their own. That function is also useful if, at a later time, there is a need to change some settings for all editors. Off course, every editor can overwrite the settings downloaded in that way on his or her computer, with the use of the methods enumerated in the previous subchapter.

The address of the configuration file of the Editor Application should be entered in the components.xml file, in the configuration directory of the Reader Application (WEB-INF). By default, inside the <component name="pl.psnc.dlibra.web.comp.pages.components.JnlpComponent"> tag, there is a commented out value in the following form:


In order to start up the function of automatic documentation download, the user should uncomment that fragment and change the sample address to the user’s own. The web server does not have to be restarted for that purpose, but the Editor Application must be re-downloaded from the digital library website.

Konfiguracja rozszerzeń

Zakładka Konfiguracja rozszerzeń umożliwia dostosowanie ustawień poszczególnych rozszerzeń. Na panelu (rysunek poniżej) znajduje się lista rozszerzeń, które można konfigurować. Aby zmieniń ustawienia konkretnego rozszerzenia należy zaznaczyć je na liście i wybrać przycisk Konfiguruj.... Domyślnie w aplikacji znajdują się następujące rozszerzenia: