Note | ||
| ||
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user user:password -d '{ "organisationWebsiteURL": "http://www.man.poznan.pl", "organisationWebsite": "Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo - Sieciowe Afiliowane przy Instytucie Chemii Bioorganicznej PANPoznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Affiliated to Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science", "officialAddress" : "ul. Jana Pawła II 10, Poznań", "digitalLibraryURL" : "http://lib.psnc.pl/dlibra", "digitalLibraryWebsite": "RepozytoriumInstitutional InstytucjonalneRepository", "organisationName": "PoznańskiePoznan CentrumSupercomputing Superkomputerowoand -Networking SiecioweCenter AfiliowaneAffiliated przy Instytucie Chemii Bioorganicznej PANto Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science", "remarks": "Integracja i rozwój infrastruktury informatycznej naukiIntegrating and developing the information infrastructure for science", "contactPerson": "office@man.poznan.pl" }' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers?providerId=PSNC |
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC |
The response should look like this:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "active":true, "id":"PSNC", "partitionKey":2465528, "properties":{ "contactPerson":"office@man.poznan.pl", "digitalLibraryURL":"http://lib.psnc.pl/dlibra", "digitalLibraryWebsite":"RepozytoriumInstitutional InstytucjonalneRepository", "officialAddress":"ul. Jana Pawła II 10, Poznań", "organisationName":"PoznańskiePoznan CentrumSupercomputing Superkomputerowoand -Networking SiecioweCenter AfiliowaneAffiliated przyto InstytucieInstitute Chemii Bioorganicznej PANof Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science", "organisationWebsite":"Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo - Sieciowe Afiliowane przy Instytucie Chemii Bioorganicznej PANPoznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Affiliated to Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science", "organisationWebsiteURL":"http://www.man.poznan.pl", "remarks":"Integracja i rozwój infrastruktury informatycznej naukiIntegrating and developing the information infrastructure for science" } } |
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -X POST --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/cloudIds?providerId=PSNC\&recordId=exampleLocalRecord |
Note |
Have you noticed the "\&" before recordId parameter? the & character had to be escaped because it is a special character in bash. You might not need it if you use another interpreter or HTTP client. |
The response will contain the mapping between the local record and the newly created identifier X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ:
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/cloudIds?providerId=exampleProvider |
The newly created global identifier and a local one can be found in the response:
Code Block |
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/cloudIds |
A record is the central entity of the storage system. It has a global identifier and and consists of several representations.
Lets get back to our example in the Data Model section. Say that you want to create a record out of the three files you have. Each one will be stored in a different representation. Creating new representations is done using the /records REST endpoint:
Code Block |
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'providerId=PSNC' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/TIFF curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'providerId=PSNC' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'providerId=PSNC' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/EDM |
When successful, the response will have HTTP status code 201 (Created). Note that when a new representation is created, it is automatically assigned a new version. This new version can be reached directly using a URL which is returned in the location field of the response header. The URL will be of the following format:
Code Block |
https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3 |
Subsequent versions of a representation can be created further in the future, for example to reflect ongoing work on a file.
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "mimeType=application/png" -F "data=@thumbnail.png" https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/files |
URI of the newly added file will be returned in the location field of the response header:
Code Block |
https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/files/1df7a491-8d8a-4180-9eb0-cd18c52a4b81 |
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/persist |
Code Block |
curl -X DELETE --user user:password https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/ |
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'dataSetId=exampleDataSet' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/data-sets |
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'cloudId=X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ&representationName=thumbnail&version=cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3' -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/data-sets/exampleDataSet/assignments |
Code Block |
curl -X DELETE --user user:password -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/data-sets/exampleDataSet/assignments?cloudId=X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ\&representationName=thumbnail |
Code Block |
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/data-sets/exampleDataSet/ |
Code Block |
curl -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/data-sets/exampleDataSet/ |
In the current version access is managed on the level of filesversions. That means that data owners can grant or revoke access to versions (and the files associated to the version) owned by them. In future versions we will consider extending permission management also to higher levels: representations, records or datasets.
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/permit |
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/thumbnail/versions/cd9f0050-3dea-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/permissions/permission/users/anotherUser |
Friendly URLs
Sometimes it is hard for a client to get the global identifier of a record, generated version name of a representation and generated filename. On the other hand the client has got a local record identifier which is well known. The same may be in case of a filename. In order to access files without retrieving the hard to remember identifiers and names mechanism of friendly URLs was introduced. The idea behind it is to use in URLs well known values (identifiers, names, etc.) always in the same way. Here we will go through the tutorial steps using friendly URLs where it is possible.
Normally when you know the cloud identifier of a record you can access it using URL like this:
Code Block |
https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ |
If you remember from the beginning of this tutorial, this record was created for PSNC data provider together with local identifier which was exampleLocalRecord. So now we have only two values: name of the data provider (PSNC) and identifier used by this data provider (exampleLocalRecord). To get access to this record in Europeana Cloud using just these two values we can use friendly URL like this:
Code Block |
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/records/exampleLocalRecord |
Sometimes it is necessary to get access to a specific representation. Again, instead of retrieving the global identifier we can use well known values like data provider name, local record identifier and representation name. Let's display information about the TIFFrepresentation using the friendly URL:
Code Block |
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/records/exampleLocalRecord/representations/TIFF |
If you do not want to have files with names generated by the system there is possibility to specify the name in the insert request. We can add a file to TIFF representation and specify a name for it like this:
Code Block |
curl -X POST --user user:password -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "mimeType=image/tiff" -F "data=@tiff.tiff" -F "fileName=abc" https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/records/X67WPA7NGCZUKLACPWU3BORRGQUWTKSZNZDICEGZS6IXTRMINOIQ/representations/TIFF/versions/27ae2a60-3ebf-11e6-b03d-fa163e8d4ae3/files |
As you can see the specified filename is abc. Now we can use it to access this file in Europeana Cloud via friendly URL.
Note |
Just remember that a file will not be accessible until you make its representation persistent. |
Code Block |
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" --user user:password -i https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/PSNC/records/exampleLocalRecord/representations/TIFF/abc |
Filename used instead of a generated one can be also much more complex. It can for example contain / characters like in the absolute path. We can take a look at the real example provided by Europeana Newspapers.
Code Block |
https://cloudecloud.europeanapsnc.eupl/api/data-providers/TheEuropeanLibrary/records/3000100349685/representations/presentation_images/node-2/image/NLE/???????????_??????????_?????????_=_Livländische_Gouvernements-Zeitung/1862/01/03/18620103_1-0001.jp2 |
As you can see the filename used here (node-2/image/NLE/???????????_??????????_?????????_=_Livländische_Gouvernements-Zeitung/1862/01/03/18620103_1-0001.jp2) is not only long with , having / characters inside but also contains unicode characters. We can also extract other well known values from this URL: data provider - TheEuropeanLibrary, local record identifier - 3000100349685, representation name - presentation_images.
Future Work and Contact
Europeana Cloud is now in its alpha phase. During the remainder of the project we’ll improve the platform and the API based on the feedback from the community.