The managed Bulk Data Transfer jobs can be triggered and monitored using any of the FTS servers available in the EOSC EU Node installation including servers at PSNC and Safespring. The list of the FTS servers configured for the EOSC EU node is included in the table below.
Site | Component | hostname *) | Port number | URL |
PSNC | FTS3rest | 8446 |
PSNC | FTSmon | 8449 |
Safespring | FTS3rest | fts02.staging.eosc.safedc.services | 8446 |
Safespring | FTSmon | fts02.staging.eosc.safedc.services | 8449 | https:// |
fts.eu-2.datatransfer.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu:8449/ |
*) NOTE: temporarily the list includes staging installation, in the final version of the documentation it will include the production version host names
The list of the FTS servers configured for EOSC EU node is included in the table below. The table lists also the host names of GridFTP servers in EOSC EU Node as well as their URLs. The URLs provided in the table can be used to specify the the target or the source of the managed transfer jobs, to be used while performing transfers into the EOSC EU Node or from the EOSC EU Node, respectively.
Site | Component | hostname *) | Port number | URL to be used | ||
PSNC | GridFTP server | gridftp01.stagingeu-1.eosc.pcss.pl | 2811 | datatransfer.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu | gsiftp://gridftp01.staging.eosc.pcss.pl:2811 | |
PSNC | GridFTP server | gridftp02.stagingeu-1.eosc.pcss.pl | 2811 | datatransfer.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu | gsiftp://gridftp01.staging.eosc.pcss.pl: 2811 | |
Safespring | GridFTP server | gridftp01gridftp03.stagingeu-2.eosc.safedc.services | 2811 | datatransfer.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu | gsiftp://gridftp01.staging.eosc.safedc.services:2811 | |
Safespring | GridFTP server | gridftp02gridftp04.stagingeu-2.eosc.safedc.services | 2811 | datatransfer.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu | gsiftp://gridftp02.staging.eosc.safedc.services:2811 |
*) NOTE: temporarily the list includes staging installation, in the final version of the documentation it will include the production version host names