Transfer can be monitored using various approaches. FTS CLI tool can be used in order to list the transfers initiated by a user along with their status information. In addition, FTSmon module monitoring console of FTS can be used in order to get the graphical overview of the transfer jobs server handled by the particular serversFTS server.
Monitoring the transfers with the CLI tool:
The following CLI command has to be used, in order to monitor the transfers the FTS monitored transfers initiated by a user:
The command should display the list of the transfers initiated by the useralong with their state. The detailed explanation of the command output is provided in the tool documentation.
In addition to the FTS CLI tool, FTSmon module can be used to get the graphical overview of the transfer jobs server handled by the particular FTS servers. The FTSmon monitoring consoles are available for all FTS servers running in the EOSC EU Node. The list of URLs where these consoles can be reached is included in the table above.
The picture shows one active transfer happening among two GridFTP servers at PSNC . The console also shows ("Active: 1") as well as the status and statistics of other jobs that are or were running among the particular GridFTP server pairs.
Note that FTSmon presents only the aggregated information on the transfers triggered in particular relations. Additional information on the transfer jobs can be examined by navigating to detailed task status information and statistics pages in the web interface. The detailed job information is only available to the legitimate users through the CLI monitoring tool - see the previous subsection for details.