Authentication and Authorization -- Interactive Notebooks users need to secure access through the EOSC Portal, and obtain credits for notebooks resource use. Once logged into the environment, a token is available for you to access additional services (compute or data sources) within the ecosystem .at
File Sync’n’share storage -- a shared network drive is mounted as your home in Interactive Notebooks, so that your data are always kept safe even if you interrupt your work.
Add-ons and extensions installed in the environment
elyra -- AI-centric extensions to JupyterLab
jupyter-resource-usage -- Jupyter Extension to show resource usage
nb_conda_kernels -- Launch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment
nbgitpuller -- Jupyter Extension to do one-way synchronization of git repositories
Software and libraries
- An extended list of libraries pre-installed in the environment is provided as a separate document.
API – Programmatic Access
The Jupyter Hub REST API is available. The API endpoint can be found at the Hub node (zone eu-1, eu-2) with suffix /services/jwt/:
- eu-1: https://eu-1.notebooks.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu/services/jwt/
- eu-2: https://eu-2.notebooks.open-science-cloud.ec.europa.eu/services/jwt/
You need a JWT token valid in EOSC EU Node, which you can obtain, e.g., from a running an Interactive Notebooks server.
You can use the Python requests library to interact with the API. The API endpoint can be found at the Hub node (zone eu-1, eu-2) with suffix /services/jwt/
.code below shows an API GET request in zone eu-1 Hub to /user using the token available in the Notebooks session for authorization. The response contains information about the user.
import requests
api_url = "https://eu-1.notebooks.open-science-cloud-user-apps.eu/services/jwt"
r = requests.get(api_url + "/users",
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(open("/var/run/secrets/oidc/access_token").read())
users = r.json()
Certain frequently asked questions are documented in a separate page of FAQs. There is also a common knowledge base for the EOSC EU Node.