The Interactive Notebooks Service is based on JupyterHub, enabling remote use of Jupyter Notebooks in a managed environment integrated with other services in EOSC and particularly in the EOSC EU Node.
Location and
The preferred way of accessing the Interactive Notebooks service is service is through the EOSC EU Node FO Portal, which handles not only service access, but also user entitlements, credit management and more. Should you need to access the deployed Jupyter Hub nodes directly, you can pick from two geographical zones: eu-1 and eu-2. The installations are equal and both offer the same environment. However, should you wish to return to your fresh work in progress, you need to know which zone you were using.
Using the Underlying Components
Additional Features and Integrations
The JupyterHub Interactive Notebooks service is integrated with additional components in the EOSC EU Node ecosystem. The most notable ones relevant to the use of interactive notebooks are: