Let's assume that you know your image URL e.g.
If you would visit the link above you would download a JP2000 file. If you want to view the image using IIIF viewer (embeded Europeana Cloud viewer) please:
In case of our example the link would be: http://iiif.europeana.eu/data-providers/TheEuropeanLibrary/records/SUJNIF2CMR5Q65TWXHAVM6CBC4UFLJ444WCJBVJDPQWVLEWEPK4Q3000097619352/representations/RepName_0000001/versions/a81f1320-2183-11e6-9db3-fa163e60dd72/files/test/presentation_images/node-2/image/SBB/Berliner_Tageblatt/1903/10/05/0/F_SBB_00001_19031005_032_505_0_008
Accessing images using friendly URLs
Let's assume that you know your image URL e.g.
Create the URL to IIIF server in the same way as previously. If you would visit the link above you would download a JP2000 file. If you want to view the image using IIIF viewer (embeded Europeana Cloud viewer) please:
- change the beginning of the link from https://cloud.europeana.eu/api to http://test.iiif.europeana.eu/
- remove ".jp2" file extention from the end of the link
In case of our example the link would be: http://iiif.europeana.eu/data-providers/TheEuropeanLibrary/records/SUJNIF2CMR5Q65TWXHAVM6CBC4UFLJ444WCJBVJDPQWVLEWEPK4Q3000097619352/representations/RepName_0000001/versions/a81f1320-2183-11e6-9db3-fa163e60dd72/files/test
Accessing IIIF info files
Image metadata and a list of server capabilities is available through an info.json request, which provides information on the image and the functionality provided by the image server. In order to retrieve the information file for an image simply add /info.json suffix to the end of the URL e.g.
What format of images are supported.