Each piece of data uploaded to Europeana Cloud has to be owned by a data provider. You can manage the data providers - create or update them - using the API. Let's start with creating one. This is done using the /data-providers method.
In order to create a data provider you need to use this request: https://cloud.europeana.eu/docs/now/uis/index.html#295750320. You need to provide a unique identifier for the provider in the providerId parameter. You can specify additional properties and send them as JSON in data block:
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curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user user:password -d '{ "organisationWebsiteURL": "http://www.man.poznan.pl", "organisationWebsite": "Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo - Sieciowe Afiliowane przy Instytucie Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN", "officialAddress" : "ul. Jana Pawła II 10, Poznań", "digitalLibraryURL" : "http://lib.psnc.pl/dlibra", "digitalLibraryWebsite": "Repozytorium Instytucjonalne", "organisationName": "Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo - Sieciowe Afiliowane przy Instytucie Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN", "remarks": "Integracja i rozwój infrastruktury informatycznej nauki", "contactPerson": "office@man.poznan.pl" }' -i https://cloud.europeana.eu/api/data-providers?providerId=PSNC |
If the provider was created successfully you will get a response with HTTP code 200. You can use the GET method (https://cloud.europeana.eu/docs/now/uis/index.html#-927343388) on the same endpoint to make sure that the system returns information about the data provider, when queried by its id: