
Note: that function is available from version 6.1 of the dLibra system. IMF (International Image Interoperability Framework) is a framework which defines programming interfaces for the purpose of providing standardized methods for displaying high-quality images.

In version 6.1 of the dLibra system, there is a new possibility of presenting high-resolution presentation files (pyramidal TIFF) with the use of the IIF standard, in particular, Image API and Presentation API. It means that objects are presented as an image gallery with progressive downloading. The mechanism is similar to that of maps (for example, Google Maps) – details are downloaded when the cursor comes near to a particular area in an image.

IMF Configuration in the dLibra System

  1. First, download the newest version, Cantaloupe, from the IIIF server from the web page.
  2. Then, unpack the downloaded archive,, in a dLibra directory, for example, (/DLIBRA/cantaloupe).
  3. Copy file and put it in the same directory, with the name.
  4. In the file, modify two fields:

    FilesystemResolver.BasicLookupStrategy.path_prefix = CONTENT_HOME/files/
    log.application.level = warn

    where CONTENT_HOME/files is the path to the supported by the dLibra server.

  5. In the /TOMCAT_HOME/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml file, add an additional field, crossContext with value true:


  6. In Tomcat, configure a new context, with a parth to the WAR server Cantaloupe archive. Create file /TOMCAT_HOME/Catalina /localhost/cantaloupe.xml with the following content:

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"

    where CANTALOUPE_HOME is a full path to the catalog which contains the cantaloupe-3.3.2.war archive

  7. To the JAVA_OPTS variable, add a path to the cantaloupe configuration file:

    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcantaloupe.config="/CANTALOUPE_HOME/"

  8. . Restart Tomcat.