This chapter is about the configuration files used when exporting metadata from a dLibra digital library to the RDF format. It is for dLibra system administrators.

RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a format which makes it possible to specify the values of certain properties of a described entity. The RDF format is used in the dLibra system for specifying publication metadata. In this case, the entity is a publication, properties are attributes, and property values are attribute values.

The Configuration File of RDF Export

There is one file which configures export to the RDF format:

It is a property file, so it has a property name (also called a key) and its value in one line, separated with the equal sign (=), for example:
The file should only contain one line specifying the URL which defines the namespace in the metadata file. The key which identifies that URL is systemURL, for example:
The URL is usually the website address of the given digital library. The exported file will look as follows (we omit values – the point is to show the position of the value of the systemURL key):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <dlibra_avs:Title xml:lang="pl">Przykładowa publikacja</dlibra_avs:Title>
    <dlibra_avs:Author xml:lang="pl">Jan Kowalski</dlibra_avs:Author>
    <dlibra_avs:Format xml:lang="en">text/plain</dlibra_avs:Format>
    <dlibra_avs:Format xml:lang="pl">text/plain</dlibra_avs:Format>

In the default file, there is the following entry: