Directory access in the dLibra system is controlled separately for every directory and user. which means that various users can have different permissions for the same directory and that one user can have various access levels for different directories.

In a dLibra library, there are the following types of permissions at the directory level:

Particular permissions to a directory can be assigned to a user in four ways:

Access permissions at the directory level can be modified in the “Directory properties” panel, in the “Permissions” tab.

On the list, on the left, there are names of library users (users with at least one permission are listed in black, and users without any permissions are listed in gray) and groups (in red). Under the user list, there are buttons for hiding various user categories:

When a user or group is selected, the permissions of that user or group to the directory selected in the table on the right are displayed. In the subsequent rows, there are all the permissions related to the directory. When a row is clicked, a short description of the selected permission is displayed in the text field below the table. The table consists of the following columns:

In order to save the introduced permission changes in the system, click the “Confirm” button.