Basic information

DOI (digital object identifier) – a digital identifier of an electronic document, which – unlike URL identifiers – does not depend on the physical location of a document but is permanently ascribed to it.

DataCite – an international non-profit organization, the goal of which is to improve data citations to:

Integrating the dLibra System with the DataCite System and the Metadata Store (MDS)

The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) allows users to register DOIs with the associated metadata. Version 6.1 of the dLibra system integrates with the abovementioned API and makes it possible to easily register objects created in the system. After they have been correctly registered, the objects will be available to the public through the DataCite REST API.

NOTE: In order to use the DOI functionality built into the dLibra system, the user must have an account in the DataCite system. The PCSS is a member of the DataCite consortium, and it is authorized to take care of the necessary formalities on the basis of which an account is created for the interested institution. For more information about it and for a contact form, see the website of the Data ID service.


The dLibra System Server – Metadata Mapping

The metadata required by the MDS are mapped from the dLibra system to the metadata schema on the basis of the content of the file located in the conf/ms subdirectory of the root directory of the server. The box below contains a sample content of that file.

creator															= Creator
title															= Title
title.AlternativeTitle											= Alternative
title.Subtitle													= 
title.TranslatedTitle											= 
title.Other														= 
publisher														= Publisher
publicationYear 												= 
resourceType.Audiovisual										=
resourceType.Collection											=
resourceType.DataPaper											=
resourceType.Dataset											=
resourceType.Event												=
resourceType.Image												=
resourceType.InteractiveResource								=
resourceType.Model												=
resourceType.PhysicalObject										=
resourceType.Service											=
resourceType.Software											=
resourceType.Sound												=
resourceType.Text												=
resourceType.Workflow											=
resourceType.Other												= Type
subject															= Subject
contributor.ContactPerson										=
contributor.DataCollector										=
contributor.DataCurator											=
contributor.DataManager											=
contributor.Distributor											=
contributor.Editor												=
contributor.HostingInstitution									=
contributor.Producer											=
contributor.ProjectLeader										=
contributor.ProjectManager										=
contributor.ProjectMember										=
contributor.RegistrationAgency									=
contributor.RegistrationAuthority								=
contributor.RelatedPerson										=
contributor.Researcher											=
contributor.ResearchGroup										=
contributor.RightsHolder										=
contributor.Sponsor												=
contributor.Supervisor											=
contributor.WorkPackageLeader									=
contributor.Other												= Contributor
date.Accepted													= Accepted
date.Available													= Available
date.Copyrighted												= Copyrighted
date.Collected													= 
date.Created													= Created
date.Issued														= Issued
date.Submitted													= Submitted
date.Updated													= Modified
date.Valid														= Valid
date.Other														= Date
#Related identifier types - all combinations relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.{relationType}
#relatedIdentifier.ARK.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.arXiv.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.bibcode.{relationType}						=
#relatedIdentifier.DOI.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.EAN13.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.EISSN.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.Handle.{relationType}						=
#relatedIdentifier.IGSN.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.ISBN.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.ISSN.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.ISTC.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.LISSN.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.LSID.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.PMID.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.PURL.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.UPC.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.URL.{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.URN .{relationType}							=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsCitedBy			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Cites				=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsSupplementTo		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsSupplementedBy		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsContinuedBy		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Continues			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsDescribedBy		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Describes			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.HasMetadata			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsMetadataFor		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.HasVersion			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsVersionOf			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsNewVersionOf		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsPreviousVersionOf	=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsPartOf				=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.HasPart				=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsReferencedBy		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.References			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsDocumentedBy		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Documents			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsCompiledBy			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Compiles				=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsVariantFormOf		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsOriginalFormOf		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsIdenticalTo		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsReviewedBy			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Reviews				=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsDerivedFrom		=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsSourceOf			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.IsRequiredBy			=
#relatedIdentifier.{relatedIdentifierType}.Requires				=
description.Abstract											= Abstract
description.TableOfContents										= TableOfContents
description.Other												= Description
geolocation														= Geolocation
language														= Language
#alternateIdentifier.{freeText} 								= 
size															= 
format															= Format
version															= 
rights															= Rights
fundingReference												= 

Notes on mapping:

Reader Application

For the DOI registration system to function correctly in the MDS system, the “” file must also be configured. The file is lcoated in the “/conf” catalog of the Reader Application. The box below contains a sample content of that file. = pl.psnc.dlibra.web.comp.resources.doi.DoiManager

Configuration parameters: