
Bulk Data Transfer service provides an efficient and reliable solution for transferring datasets into the cloud computing environments of EOSC EU Node and transferring them back to the end-user premises and repositories. Bulk Data Transfer Service of LOT2 is an infrastructure oriented massive data transfer service. It is intended to support high-volume data transfers among distant sites. By leveraging the service, data can be moved directly to the backend storage of EOSC EU Node infrastructure, from where they can be accessed by VMs and containers in the cloud computing platform

Bulk Data Transfer service allows to move user data from outside of the EOSC EU Node down to the data storage back-end of the LOT2 compute services. These data, once transferred, can be accessed by applications and service running in the OpenStack-based virtual compute infrastructure and OKD-based container platform. 

Bulk Data Transfer use-cases

Various use-cases can be implemented by Bulk Data Transfer service including:

Bulk Data Transfer implementation

Current implementation of the Bulk Data Transfer service for EOSC EU Node is based on File Transfer Service (FTS). Other implementations based on cloud-native protocols such as S3 are to be provided in future.

What is FTS

FTS is File Transfer Service It is used across project that deal with large volumes of scientific data that has to be moved around the geographically distributed data storage infrastructure. 

It has been designed and developed in CERN ( Historically, FTS main application was to automate transfer of large data volumes (in range of petabytes) within the large collaborations. For that purpose FTS supports 3rd party transfer, among other using GridFTP as well as transfer status monitoring, transfer restarts and built-in transfer optimisation.

FTS benefits

The overall added value of the Bulk Data Transfer services is performance and reliability of data transfers.

FTS-based implementation uses GridFTP protocol to enable multi-threaded data transport that helps to overcome negative impact of the network latency in the long distance links. FTS also takes care of completing the data transfer tasks defined by users, it monitors their progres and status and can restart failed transfers if needed.

While delivering specialised functionality that is applied in large scale data management projects, Bulk Data Transfer service can be integrated and in generic research and business workflows that involve large data transport. It is possible to integrate FTS with today typical cloud computing platforms. EOSC EU Node provides such an integration.

How to use FTS

The data transfers are organised into data transfer tasks/jobs. The task/job specification includes, as the minimum, the indication of the source and target locations (URLs) for the data transfer.

The managed Bulk Data Transfer jobs can be triggered and monitored using any of the FTS servers available in the EOSC EU Node installation including servers at PSNC and Safespring. The list of the FTS servers configured for the EOSC EU node is included in the table below.



hostname *)

Port number














*) NOTE: temporarily the list includes staging installation, in the final version of the documentation it will include the production version host names

The interaction with the service is possible by using the CLI tools, that contact the API endpoint of the indicated/relevant FTS server or directly using the REST API of the FTS servers. This user guide focuses on using FTS CLI tools for interacting with the Bulk Data Transfer service of EOSC EU node.

The list of the FTS servers configured for EOSC EU node is included in the table below. The table lists also the host names of GridFTP servers in EOSC EU Node as well as their URLs. The URLs provided in the table can be used to specify the the target or the source of the managed transfer jobs, to be used while performing transfers into the EOSC EU Node or from the EOSC EU Node, respectively.



hostname *)

Port number

URL to be used
in the FTS CLI tools


GridFTP server




GridFTP server




GridFTP server




GridFTP server



*) NOTE: temporarily the list includes staging installation, in the final version of the documentation it will include the production version host names

Please note that, user of the FTS service typically interacts with the FTS server only and does not interact with GridFTP servers directly It is FTS server that triggers and supervise the 3-rd party transfers that are performed by GridFTP servers. 

EOSC EU node includes two FTS servers, one per each location for increased reliability. GridFTP servers are also instantiated at both sites that enables efficient data transfer to any of the sites. For instance, transferring data to/from PSNC requires using GridFTP running at PSNC. Similarly, staging data into Safespring compute infrastructure requires using GridFTP servers running there. 

Using FTS

This section of the user guide focuses on using FTS CLI tools for interacting with the Bulk Data Transfer service of EOSC EU node. The Web interface of FTS is not supported in EOSC EU Node.

Starting to use FTS


If CLI client is to be used with the service, the following minimum requirements have to be met:

  1. user has the access to the FTS cli tools package;
  2. user has to own the relevant user certificate (X.509), included in the list of the supported CAs;
  3. user has the proxy certificate that is valid within the perdiod of executing the commands
  4. The REST API endpoint is reachable from the server/virtual machine/worstation where user runs the FTS commands. For the list of the FTS server addresses along with port numbers refer to the table above.

Using FTS CLI tools:

Initiating the transfer with the CLI tool:

The following CLI command has to be used, in order to initiate the FTS monitored transfer:

  /bin/fts-rest-transfer-submit --verbose $IN $OUT

where $IN and $OUT are the source and target URLs of the GridFTP servers holding the data, along with the path to the data to be transferred.

Example command is presented below:

Monitoring the transfers:

Transfer can be monitored using various approaches. FTS CLI tool can be used in order to list the transfers initiated by a user along with their status information. In addition FTSmon module can be used to get the graphical overview of the transfer jobs server by the particular servers.

Monitoring the transfers with the CLI tool:

The following CLI command has to be used, in order to monitor the transfers the FTS monitored transfers initiated by a user:

  /bin/fts-rest-transfer-list | egrep -i "Request ID|ACTIVE|Status"

The command should display the list of the transfers initiated by the user. The detailed explanation of the command output is provided in the tool documentation.

Example output of the command can be seen below:

   /bin/fts-rest-transfer-list | egrep -i "Request ID|ACTIVE|Status"
Monitoring the transfers with FTSmon:

In addition to the FTS CLI tool, FTSmon module can be used to get the graphical overview of the transfer jobs server by the particular servers. The FTSmon consoles are available for all FTS servers running in the EOSC EU Node. The list of URLs where these consoles can be reached is included in the table above.

Example view on the WebFTS console is presented in the picture below.

The picture shows one active transfer happening among two GridFTP servers at PSNC. The console also shows other jobs that are or were running among the particular server pairs.

Note that FTSmon presents only the aggregated information on the transfers triggered in particular relations. The detailed job information is only available to the legitimate users through the CLI monitoring tool - see the previous subsection for details.


Common issues:

Authorization issue:

Transfer does not start:

Transfer monitoring issue:

More information

Detailed instructions of using FTS and GridFTP can be found in the documentation of the particular products

Products documentation:


CLI tools documentation:


GridFTP clients documentation: