It is a mechanism allowing users to share access to their Jupyter server with other users via the Jupyterhub user sharing API.
EOSC Notebooks provide you this feature via user sharing menu.
Warning !
By allowing other users to access your server, you also allow them to access some internal things present on your Jupyter server, namely:
The user sharing menu can be opened from the top bar menu by clicking on User sharing -> Open user sharing menu
With the user sharing menu window opened, you can now generate invite links and share them with other users.
Warning !
Once the invited user has accepted an invitation and authorized access, you can start collaborating on the same server.
You can see IDs of all users who accepted your invitation and time when they did it by clicking on
Refresh button or closing and opening the user sharing menu window.
By clicking on the corresponding Revoke button to revoke access for a concrete user or by clicking on Revoke All users to revoke access for all users.
Warning !
Other users access will last until you stop your server. At the start of each new session, all granted access should be revoked.
Warning !
However, it is advised to check the user sharing menu if all access was revoked because it can happen that granted access
will still be there due to not properly closing Jupyter session windows.
Real-time collaboration(RTC) allows you to leverage the power of user-initiated sharing to see each other's edits in real time.
To enable RTC, you first have to open a terminal tab
Then you have to execute 2 commands to enable RTC extensions:
You can also disable RTC the same way via 2 commands:
But disabling RTC extension wlll not revoke access to your server. You have to use the user sharing menu for that.
Once you enabled the extensions, you need to refresh your browser tab to see changes.
When you do, you can verify your Jupyter server is in RTC mode by checking the Launcher menu.
You should be able to see RTC: tag :
You should also be able your RTC icon at the top right corner.
Now you can see users collaborating with you on your server, files they are working on and their edit in real time.