This page is important if you are or had been using Kepler through commands, and

If you are using Kepler for CPOs but never used these commands, please do care about this page, but check Environment configuration (section 2.2) instead"

If you want to fix your Kepler installation (CPO based), follow step-by-step instructions below

Rationale of the change

In CPO based environment users defined KEPLER_DIR variable to point to the place where all user based Kepler installations were stored.

IMAS based Kepler also use this variable, but in different way. The layout of KEPLER_DIR is slightly different.

As we don't foresee any further modifications of the layout in CPO based approach of installing and selecting Kepler we suggest following

New variable for installation directory - ITM_KEPLER_DIR

We suggest to introduce new variable - ITM_KEPLER_DIR - for CPO based environment. This variable will replace already existing one: KEPLER_DIR

This variable will be set by users inside shell's startup script (take a look below - section Setting new location for Kepler installation).

Users will have to remove existing settings for KEPLER_DIR (take a look further in the page) or change it such way it points to location where IMAS based Kepler will be installed.

Updating $SWITMDIR scripts

In order to make all the scripts (related to Kepler) work again, we will update them such way they use ITM_KEPLER_DIR instead of KEPLER_DIR. This change will affect

Checking locations of login files with KEPLER_DIR

It might have happened that users have set up KEPLER_DIR long time ago and don't even bother about its existence.

grep -H -n -s KEPLER_DIR $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bash_profile $HOME/.tcshrc $HOME/.cshrc $HOME/.login

Finding CPO based Kepler installations inside KEPLER_DIR

For some users it may be the case, they already have a mixed installation of IMAS and CPO based Keplers.

The best approach here would be to:

find $KEPLER_DIR -name "version" | sed "s|$KEPLER_DIR||" | sed 's/^\///' | cut -f1 -d'/'

Setting new location for Kepler installation

Once user is done with choosing new location for CPO based Kepler, this information should be set

# make sure to add the line below inside ~/.cshrc
setenv ITM_KEPLER_DIR $ITMWORK/itm-kepler-dir
# make sure to add the line below inside ~/.bashrc
export ITM_KEPLER_DIR $ITMWORK/itm-kepler-dir