The UALDemux actor extracts single fields from a IDS given as input. Each exported field is defined by an output port added by the user, you can add as many output ports as you want. It is mandatory that the name of the port is the full path of the field to export, for example datainfo/whatref/machine is the path to machine field of a limiter IDS. The actor takes a time as input, which is propagated as output port if we manipulate a non-timed IDS, or a timed IDS in timeSlice mode. The timeSlice mode is a parameter of the actor, you can change its value by double clicking on it: if it is set at true, data are extracted for the slice corresponding at the input time, if it is set at false, data are extracted for each time slice (so a simple scalar data will become a 1D vector). If timeSlice is false, the output time becomes also a vector of times.
Note that at this time, UALDemux actor allows only 1D data export in kepler. |
The last feature of this actor is the selection of subset to be extracted. You need to specify this selection in the name of the output port as follow: first you have to add a ; (semicolon) after the name of the field, then you have to specify the dimension in which you consider the data (1 is the first dim). After that, you can add as many ;index as you want (a semicolon followed by an index you want to extract). You can also replace the index by an expression index1:index2 (with a colon) to specify a set of indexes between both index1 and index2. For example, position/z;1;5;10;15:18 will export indexes [5,10,15,16,17,18] of the field z.
port name | purpose | Icon |
inputIds | IDS whose fields are extracted | |
inTime | time used for slice selection |
port name | purpose |
outTime | same time as input or array of time |
option name | description |
Verbose execution mode | |
timeSlice | enable or disable time slice mode |
version | description |
3.0.4 |