At the moment, we have few open developments related to FC2K
Bartek: please provide some input here. We can have dedicated meeting related to this topic
Code parameters (in past) were embedded directly inside actor's code as String variables, formatted such way they could have been embedded inside Java code. New version of FC2K separates CodeParameters and actor code. However, we need further changes. At the moment it's not easy to distinguish old actor from new one. I suggest to introduce new interface - CodeParametersInterface. This marker interface will be implemented by new actors. This way, we will be able to easily check whether actor is able to handle new CodeParameters requests.
public class myactor extends TypedAtomicActor implements CodeParametersInterface { ... } // later in the code we will be able to do myactor actor = new myactor(); if(actor instanceof CodeParametersInterface) { // we can query for CodeParamaters, do validation, etc. } else { // we can generate warning that actor doesn't support // CodeParameters validation } |
Wrapper codes have to be updated such way they can handle both: old and new low level.