Basic information

DOI (digital object identifier) – a digital identifier of an electronic document, which – unlike URL identifiers – does not depend on the physical location of a document but is permanently ascribed to it.

DataCite – an international non-profit organization, the goal of which is to improve data citations to:

Configuring DOI

Before a registration of objects in the DataCite system, the dLibra system should be properly configured. The configuration process is presented in the “Configuring DOI” supplement.

General Information About the Registration

Registering DOIs in the DataCite System

The “Register a DOI” option in the process of creating a standard object.

The “Register a DOI” option in the process of creating a planned object.

The “Register a DOI” option in the process of creating a group object

Opcja "Zarejestruj" DOI w panelu szczegółowym obiektu.

The Statuses of a DOI Registration

Two methods of registering a DOI are presented in the “Registering DOIs in the DataCite System”: registering a DOI during the process of creating an object and registering a DOI during the process of updating information about an object. The process of communicating with the DataCite system an take up to a few minutes. In order to check a DOI for an object, the editor should go to its details panel in the Editor Application. That panel is illustrated in the image below. The place in which the current state is displayed is circled. Next to the status, there is the DOI generated for the object.

The DOI status in the details panel for the selected object

In the dLibra system, there are the following DOI statuses:

Deactivating a DOI

It is not possible to remove a DOI for an object in the dLibra system, but it can be deactivated. In order to change the status of a registered object to “inactive”, the user should switch the “Publishing” option of the object to the “Unpublished” value. For information about publishing an object, see the chapter about publishing an object edition.