In order to connet to the remote interface made available in the JMX technology, it is usually necessary to enter the address of the interface, specially formatted, and the authentication details. In the case of the dLibra system, the address has the following form: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://[adres serwera]:[port serwera]/mx The authentication data are the username and password for the ‘admin’ account defined in the dLibra server.

In the image below, the administrative interface of the dLibra system, managed with the help of the JConsole program, is shown. The tab with the general view makes it possible to monitor the usage of the server and memory, the number of threads, and the loaded classes. The details are presented in separate (following) tabs.

Apart from the standard management components made available by the environment of the Java virtual machine, the dLibra system has dedicated components for server manament. They are in the last tab, which is called MBeans. Those components are divided into groups which correspond to the internal structure of the server. Those groups are further divided by function. The result is a hierarchical, tree-type structure of components. According to the JMX specification, each component can make properties and methods available. Below, the most important elements are described. The omitted elements are, for the most part, only useful in exceptional circumstances. They require in-depth knowledge of the internal structure of the dLibra system and should not be used. The following notation is used in the description:


Content Server



Event Manager



Metadata Server


Search Server


Index Server




dLibra JMX Management Service

