Configuring Multi-Format

Since version 6.0, it has been possible to store and share files in different formats for every object. The dLibra system does not control which files are ascribed to which format (for example, by filename extensions) – the editor must take care of that.

The available formats are defined in file conf/ms/formats.xml, which looks as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

The following values are assigned for each format:

Managing Attributes – Configuring Metadata Export

Although the attribute schema can be modified from the level of the Administrator Application, it is good to include new attributes in the metadata export configuration. That configuration is in the conf/ms directory of the dLibra server, in files ending with, for example, The first part of the name of such a file indicates the export format to which the file pertains:

Here is a sample fragment of the “” file:

contributor = Contributor
coverage    = Coverage, Spatial, Temporal
creator     = Creator

Every line begins with a field/attribute name in the exported format, and the equal sign is followed by the RDF name of the attribute in the dLibra system or by a list of such names, comma-separated.

Configuring Self-Archiving

In the standard configuration, he “Self-archiving” function is only available to those users for whom a home directory has been set. In some institutions, it may be advisable to change that setting so that all users can add their objects.  For that purpose, the value of the “wwwPublicationAllowed” entry in file /conf/ms/ file should be changed to true. In such a case, for every user who uses the “Self-archiving” function but does not have a home directory, a subdirectory will be created in the “User publications” directory, and the created objects will be put there. If subdirectories are to be created in another directory, the user just has to enter its identifier in the “publicDirectoryId” value.