
When you modify all the dLibra system parameters and files described below, be very careful.

General information

All configuration files of the dLibra server are located in the “conf” subdirectory in the main server directory. The configuration for particular services is located in subdirectories with two-letter names which correspond to the abbreviated names of those services. The remaining files and catalogs contain more general server configuration. Most of the significant parameters in the configuration files have comments. Virtually all changes in the configuration files require a restart of the dLibra server before they become effective (it is recommended that the Reader Application be restarted together with the server).

The most important files/directories with the general configuration are:

  • server.xml – the main configuration file of the server; it contains a list of the services of the dLibra server which are to be run and references to the remaining configuration files;
  • – it contains the username, password, and database address used by the dLibra server, as well as the parameters which define the type of the used database;
  • – the configuration file for the mechanism of server operation logging;
  • – the configuration file for the mechanism of e-mail message sending (used optionally, depending on the configuration of the logging mechanism);
  • – the configuration file for both the indexing and searching mechanisms;
  • solr – the directory with the configuration for the “Solr” tool (which is used for indexing and searching); for more information about it, see Configuring Search Results; and
  • wrapper – the directory with the configuration files for the “Wrapper” tool which is responsible for starting up the dLibra server in the service mode; the tool is documented in detail on the web page; one of the things which can be set here is the maximum use of memory by the dLibra server (the “” parameter of the “base.conf” file);
  •  files with names ending with -yajsw.conf are used when the dLibra system is run on the 64-bit version of Windows.

Every service run within the framework of the dLibra server has its own, separate configuration directory:

  • cs – Content Server the content server, which is responsible for storing files with object content;
  • em – Event Manager – the task manager, which controls the mechanism of sending messages about events between the remaining services;
  • is Index Server – the indexing server, which processes newly added and modified objects so that they can be searched quickly;
  • me  Message Server – the message server, which stores messages sent between users (editors and users making use of self-archiving);
  • ms Metadata Server – the metadata server, which is responsible for storing information about collections, directories, objects, attributes, etc.;
  • pp Profile Provider – the profile provider, which stores information about reader profiles (settings, favorite objects, etc.);
  • se Search Server – the search server, which provides search results in response to users’ queries;
  • ss System Services – control the access of the remaining services to the whole system;
  • ts Text Server – is responsible for converting files with object content to a text format which can be searched;
  • us User Server – stores information about users (administrators/editors/readers) and permissions for objects; and
  • ws – Web Service – the in-built web server for running the Reader Application (by default, it is switched off; only for demonstration purposes).

In most of the directories mentioned above, there are two most important configuration files:

  • – a file with the general properties of the given service, often with links to other configuration files;
  • jobs.xml - – a file with the definition of the periodic tasks run within the framework of the given service, that is, of operations run by the service on startup or at regular intervals; it makes it possible to, for example, switch off a selected task (by removing/commenting out the <job> tag) or by changing the hour at which the task is to be carried out (by modifying the <cron-expression> tag in accordance with the documentation).

The following subpages contain information about the configuration of various aspects of the operation of the dLibra server.


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